Cheek By Jowl, Performance Still Featuring Darina Gallagher and Damien Devaney
This was a touring performance that was performed at IMMA, Crawford, Limerick City Gallery, the work was funding by The Artscouncil Touring Award and The Fingal County Council Arts Office. This live performance was written, cast and directed by Naomi Sex. Cheek by Jowl presented a series of layered, highly descriptive vignettes. Its title set a claustrophobic scene for a single ubiquitous character You/One to navigate an abstract, non-place. The work was punctuated by carefully held, poised poses, choreographed to resonate with the notion of the portraitists’ “sitter”; as the actors move, they are physically connected to one another and are supported by chairs on wheels which remain fixed to their bodies for the duration of the piece.
Copyright © 2023 Naomi Sex - photography by kate bowe o'brien